We spent our last day revisiting asian art history via a day tour to Mahabalipuram. This trip was booked at the service counter at New Woodlands Hotel the previous day, which included a private car rental to shuttle us directly from the hotel to wherever we wanted to go.
I’m so not a day person. By the way, that’s an amusing Threadless t-shirt I own titled ‘Cowboys and Indians‘ – you know, in an alternate history. Ai and I had breakfast at Krishna Restaurant located right inside the hotel. This was where the groom had first introduced Chennai and its interesting food to us, where we quite quickly became addicted to Onion Thosai and the intimate manner of drinking tea in small metal cups teh tarik style in order to quickly cool the drink.Five Rathas was pretty busy, and rightly so for the ambitious monolithic work (despite it being unfinished and worn from the sands of time).Wearing Max kurta, Uniqlo jogger pants, Taobao socks, Zalora shoes. Photo assist: Ai.Photo assist: Ai.That’s a stray cooling under the shade of Krishna’s Butterball. The other images are pretty self-explanatory… but if anyone is unable to make out the cow-elephant dual imagery carved into the pillar in the last picture, let me know!Photo assist: Ai.Our tour guide and us.Shore Temple was our last stop of the tour. Years of wear and tear from the elements rendered the heritage site quite degraded. Our tour guide sat down with us on the grassy patch a bit aways from the site and explained to us the history before leading us closer. I would have liked to see the details which had long ago been eroded by the salt air. I was quite amused at having managed to capture the bird perched right on top of one of the shrines.My favourite part of the tour was something totally unplanned – cows by the beach! I don’t quite remember how we got the idea to go there, but I think Ai had heard about the beach from someone, and so we got our driver to make a pit stop on the way back to the hotel. But first, this cool kid.